Integrative Massage
Therapy Session
Integrative Massage Therapy sessions combine over a decade of the artful practice of different bodywork modalities. Dominique infuses the Western anatomical + clinical approach and the Spiritual essence and traditions of the Eastern/Pacific ways.
Sessions can incorporate (click below to learn more):
+ Ashiatsu - Oriental Barefoot Massage Therapy
a massage technique that uses the practitioner's feet to a patient's body rather than the hands or arms. This modality delivers deep compressive, long gliding strokes throughout the whole body.
+ Hawiian Lomi Lomi
a traditional Hawaiian massage that combines long stokes like gentle waves with warm nut oils, breathing and dance to soothe the body.
+ Craniosacral
is a gentle modality that helps relieve headaches and neck pains by using light touch to assist in the movement of membrance fluids in and around the central nervous system.
+ Neuromuscular Massage Therapy (NMT)
a technique that uses static pressure, helping to reduce pain and tension effectively. This helps improve the nervous system function and overall alignment of the skeletal system.
+ Table Thai Yoga Massage
a combination of assisted yogic stretches and the compressive massage on a traditional massage table that opens the flow of energy in the body.
+ Reflexology Foot Massage:
an effective foot massage that focuses on meridian points on the feet, which stimulates the organs and calms the central nervous system.
+ Trauma-informed Massage Therapy
a process that includes gentle conversation that focuses on the emotional layers underneath the varying layers of tension in the body. This process consists of the methods taught in Somatic Experiencing and the Neroeffective Relational Model (NARM), clinical trauma healing modalities that can support you from the impact of shock and development (childhood) trauma.
+ Intuitive Sound Healing
the combination of ritual drumming and chanting that opens you to visionary states of awareness, connecting you to your higher guides and Soul essence.
This is an opportunity to meet yourself at the moment, settling into deep stillness. Dominique works intuitively, attuning to your body and nervous system to ensure that the touch and pressure are adjusted to your felt needs. Sessions may release stored emotions held in your body. Dominique’s interest is to meet you at your comfort level so you leave feeling grounded, inspired and rejuvenated.
Book your Session
60 | 90 | 120 minutes + Packages + Gift Certificates
FAQs & Policy
+ Do you offer heating pads on your massage table?
Yes. You can adjust it to your desired temperature.
+ How do I prepare myself before and after the treatment?
It's advised before our treatment not to have eaten a heavy meal and stay hydrated with time to integrate afterward.
+ Do you offer sliding scale and low cost treatments?
Yes, I do for people who are in need of extra support on personal basis. Please send me an email here and we’ll discuss your eligibility for lower cost treatments.
+ Do you accept insurance?
No, sorry I do not.
+ What is the Covid-19 policy?
Click here to learn more.
+ Where do you acquire your expertise?
I am a licensed massage therapist in North Carolina, License 14646. I graduated from the Florida School of Massage and Hydrotherapy and instruct CEU certified Thai Yoga massage trainings world wide. For the past 4 years, I've traveled to Thailand to yearly assist Thai Yoga Massage trainings with Ralf Marzen, founder of Mudita School of Thai Yoga Massage in London. You can know more about me and my professional background here.
+ Where do offer your sessions?
263 Haywood Street, Suite 102, Asheville, NC 28801, United States
“Domonique’s massages are the yin to her yang. Slow, mindful, meditative, deep...intuitive healing. She is in touch with where your tension and trauma is stored. With reverence she skillfully and gracefully releases the blockages as you open to your eternal perfect being. I always leave feeling grounded, relaxed, empty yet full...complete.”
“Dominique has an authentic style and a great listening ear. Her bodywork is gentle yet effective. I appreciate the sacred space she creates during a session.”