with Dominique
Integrative Massage Therapy
Replenish yourself with a customized therapeutic massage treatment that blends Eastern and Western approaches. This treatment promotes deep relaxation that will have you feeling rejuvenated and connected to yourself more fully.
Thai Yoga Massage Therapy
Through assisted yogic stretching, therapeutic massage, and loving presence, you can reinvigorate your Spirit in the most nurturing way. This ancient healing art opens pathways for energy to flow through the body, reconnecting you to your vitality.
Trauma Healing Therapy
This is an opportunity to strengthen your capacity to heal and empower yourself from challenging life circumstances. Sessions are held in a safe and supportive space to express yourself authentically and process emotions that may impact your wellbeing.
“Dominique is a rare spirit with many gifts, including deep intuitive capabilities and sensitivities to assist in real healing. She has so much wisdom to offer all her clients on physical, emotional and psycho-spiritual levels! I highly recommend a session Dominique. You will feel incredibly seen, lighter, clear and transformed.”