The Way of Touch is an integrative Thai Yoga Massage certified training program that allows you to learn and cultivate a profound relationship with healing touch.
The criteria for joining are simple: openness, curiosity, and a willingness to practice.
If you’re a beginner, no problem!
And for those experienced in working with the body — such as massage therapists, yoga teachers, dancers, martial artists, osteopaths — you are eligible to receive accredited certification and explore new ways to inspire your craft.
These courses are an excellent opportunity to be in an uplifting, nurturing, and inspiring environment with like-minded people excited to deepen and expand their practice. From learning the foundations to the most subtle and advanced techniques, we artfully explore the body, the energetic qualities, and the spiritual essence of the sacred healing art of Thai Yoga Massage.
16 hours | 2 day training
A foundational course that will inspire and enhance the ways you approach Thai Yoga massage.
16 hours | 2 day training
Develop foundational techniques with an emphasis on personal and collective healing.
24 hours | 3 day training
Cultivating the subtleties of how energy moves and exploring Dynamic Thai Yoga massage to take your practice to a level of deep therapeutic healing.
4 hours | 1 day immersion
Enter an enchanting exploration into the mystical realms of Thai Yoga massage.
16 hours | 2 day training
Discover a revolutionary form of Thai Yoga massage using your feet in place of your hands!
8 hours | 1 day training
Learn Dominique’s signature Thai Yoga massage sequences that will enhance your practice to new horizons.
Courses are approved for Licensed Massage Therapist’s NCBTMB continuing education.