Nuance: Advanced Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner Training
As we develop our Thai Yoga massage practice, it's essential to cultivate sensitivity, attunement, and deep listening to expand your capacities as a practitioner. It's also beneficial to know how the elemental nature of life pulses through the body's energy lines and that our bodywork practice is a doorway for psycho/spiritual fulfillment.
Dominique synthesizes the interconnectedness of Eastern and Western philosophies in the demonstration of teaching her advanced techniques. We will explore how to give a Thai yoga massage that is a fluid, gracious dance combining dynamic rocking, energetic precision and accessing a non-dual space of emptiness.
This is an opportunity to experience your bodywork practice like fine art, allowing beauty, nourishing connection to take your practice to the new horizons.
Prerequisite: You must have taken one foundation course or have an active bodywork practice of two years. Students attending massage therapy school are welcome.
As a licensed massage therapist, you will receive 24 CE credits. You can still be eligible to attend even if you are not an LMT.